By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 17:32 - United States

Today, while getting it on with my boyfriend, I decided to be spontaneous and do something sexy. I started taking his underwear off with my teeth. My teeth dragged over his shaft, and my braces cut up his foreskin in the process. Now he's not talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 758
You deserved it 62 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you didn't get pubes caught in your teeth

braces and penis do NOT mix. poor guy.


xSgtTh0masx 0

I wouldn't talk to you either if you cut my foreskin...What the **** were you thinking?! -But if you get your braces off, feel free to get with me.

Pwntatochips 0

if u got braces prob means u to young dumb **** ydi

Adults get braces too, you know... e.e OP doesn't necessarily have to be young.

he didn't have to go calling her a dumb ****, though. -.-

skyeyez9 24

You were offering him a free circumcision.

asian2014 0

All this talk about OP deserving it because she is supposedly young just because she has braces and about OP's boyfriend deserving it for not being circumcised is making me sick. Honestly. Not all people have their sons circumcised, especially where I'm from. And OP can be a grown woman who got braces late because she is just being able to afford them. You guys shouldn't just jump to conclusions cause you sound foolish. Internet or not... (someone is gonna say somethin bout how "it's the internet! don't take it seriously. >.>) And OP, sorry to say, but you kinda shouldn't have tried doing that if you knew you had braces. Sorry.

kmarrs 2

Dear god! Common sense on the internet? Can it be?

mrrudy1972 3

you took the phrase " chopped up" to a whole other level.