By Anonymous - 01/03/2011 17:32 - United States

Today, while getting it on with my boyfriend, I decided to be spontaneous and do something sexy. I started taking his underwear off with my teeth. My teeth dragged over his shaft, and my braces cut up his foreskin in the process. Now he's not talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 758
You deserved it 62 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm surprised you didn't get pubes caught in your teeth

braces and penis do NOT mix. poor guy.


ChrisIsTall22 0

Gptrash420, I am not 14, I'm actually about to graduated highschool, kthanks.

PancakesEqualLov 0

"I'm actually about to graduated"? and you passed english? :o

dmndrby789 0

while I know it's common, I still cringe at thought of high school kids being sexually active. even when I was in high school I didn't think it was a good idea.

Mewzakuro240 0

The only problem with that is that your birthdate on your profile says you were born in '93. I was born in '94. I'm sixteen. I'm graduating early. You're still fifteen, if you're birthdate it right. Which makes me think you're lying somewhere down the road. Also. Even if you are about to graduate, you shouldn't be having sex until you're ready to handle the consequences. Like an STD or a baby. People now a-days don't think sometimes.... Oh well. To each their own. Good luck with your life,

She's seventeen. 1993 happened before 1994...

atomicbaboon 0

you won't graduate with grammar like that young lady.

161- How is she a year younger than you if she was born a year before you.... Also, there's these things called condoms, which prevent STD's and there's a wide variety of birth control, which sorts out the baby part.

dmndrby789 0

But they're not 100% effective. I know a married couple who were on the pill and still got pregnant. And condoms do break. We've all heard stories... So I agree, even if you take the precautions, you still should wait til you're mature enough to handle the consequences in case said precautions fail.

happyFace12 0

ur still in high school. CLOSE YOUR LEGS

Mewzakuro240 0

162, and 173, you're both right, my mistake. I'm not good at math at 2am. Haha, I guess most of my comment is invalid then, except yes, there are condoms, but they break.

that's why people with braces shouldn't give blow jobs.

your lucky he didn't punch you in the face... you tore his dick apart- of course he is pissed

um first of all if u have braces how old r u? a little too young for this I'm guessing >:(

you aren't circumcised either. get your labia lobbed off and then try talking about how good circumcision is.

probs because it hurt 2 much 2 move anything... lolz but ur fault 4 havig braces ad doing that!! how old r u?!?!

varkey 7

you are a ******* idiot YDI plus, his penis was just in your other hole... just one more reason not to do something that retarded why the **** would he talk to you after that??