By NoPainNoGain - 05/06/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, while running on the treadmill at the gym, the girl next to me slipped and went flying back against the wall. Indecisive whether to get off and help her or to just keep going, I lost my focus and footing and flew back next to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 471
You deserved it 119


That was probably your best decision you could of made. Now she's not alone in looking bad. lol

thatswasup 0

Shouldve fell on top of her Giggety!

justanotherfan 0

Honestly buddy that was the best move you could make. She isn't as embarassed.

swimfreck 0

Wow really....the bad part is that is something I would do hahahaha

How is this an FML? Golden opportunity right there to meet her!

I'm going to have to agree that the decision should have taken no thought at all, YDI for not immediately coming to help.

Must agree with #68 - YDI. That's what you get for not IMMEDIATELY going to help her out. And, if you're a guy, double-YDI and shame on you!

I think, if you're both single, when you finally have kids this is going to go down in the book of "cute ways some married couple met..."

clockworkrainbow 3

You're getting laid soon. ;D No, you probably should've helped her out as soon as she fell..