By jooshuarr - 18/06/2010 23:09 - Spain

Today, while tuning my bass guitar, I noticed a very strange screeching sound. I leaned over to look behind the neck. The biggest string snapped off and cut the side of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 715
You deserved it 4 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments


vergaso 0

you deserve that shit for playing bass not guitar or drums cuz you're gay and not badass like batman

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

ouch, that had to hurt. but on the brightside it didn't hit your eye or throat.

well, #18, it probably wouldn't happen to an ukelele because bass strings are really thick. so you don't have to worry.

Jbiebs82 0

You stupid retard :) I LOVE STUPID PEOPLE!

itz_towelie 6

you are calling other people retarded? your name is jbieb82, I think I speak for most of fml when I say GTFO

knibbsy 4
Jbiebs82 0

Hey in my defence, my computer is messed up, so I have to logg in on my sisters phone. so Im inherent account

Copy and paste that statement at the bottom of all your comments and then no one will hate on you. :) Ywia.

Daerauko 0

haha or try not being stupid by over stressing the string. I'd it keeping getting loose... throw it away and buy new strings. they aren't that expensive

Skin flute players like yourself shouldn't try to insult bass players.

Have you ever heard of fluteboxing? Now that is an example of a flute rocking out =} Go to youtube and search Nathan "flutebox" Lee vs Beardyman. Very cool =}

dani_doll 0

umm.. Led Zepplin had flutes genius, how do they not "rock"??? bass is awesome as well though.

Gtaylorfication 0

Bass strings don't snap or pop they unwind r-tard

stevenJB 25

Mine snapped before. It didnt like whip me or the air it just snapped. They do break, OP must've winded it too tightly...which I don't see how one would do that.

thebestofboth 20

All strings can pop, which means unwind since that's all they can do, think before you criticize other people.

YDI for not having a bass tech. to change them for you. you suck!

sumbody2lv_queen 0

u suck 20#. I play bass guitar and it is ******* bad-ass!! Ever heard of Jaco Pastorius?? Or Vail Johnson?? CLEARLY YOU HAVEN'T COZ U THINK BASS IS STUPID. U PROBABLY CAN'T EVEN PLAY BASS YOU'RE SO STUPID.