By Amey - 04/05/2009 09:09 - United States

Today, while watching TV, I danced, sang along, and helped Dora the Explorer get to her grandmother's house. It was the most fun I've had all year. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 331
You deserved it 29 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perfectwinds 0

Dora's awesome. Haha. If you plan on having kids then you'll fit right in. May I suggest babysitting? =P

I used to have a lot of fun watching The Doodlebops :D. There's nothing wrong with being 21 and watching Dora The Explorer :)... the problem is it being the most fun you had all year =[ lol.


i could understand if you had a kid... but really.... if you're 21, go out, party....possibly get laid?

ROFL #12 that show was the shit back when i was younger, its still on ?! lol

get a job! or go to school! there are a million and one things a 21 year old person could do before they had to resort to watching dora the explorer for entertainment! come on!

loveyababe 0

Dora the Explorer? Seriously? Would've been more apropriate to watch matlock for christs sake. or mad money. or some crap that old people enjoy watching. next time, choose something thats TOO OLD not WA TOO YOUNG. good luck with life!

crystalballzzz 0
ditlihi 0

I do that, too, and I'm a guy. Double-FML. (not really)

get a life loser. YDI. get up and do something else.

Today I logged into to catch up on the stories I missed during a week vacation. When I finished reading, which took me roughly an hour of time I could have probably spent more constructively, I noticed something. 65% of the posters on this site don't behave like they're old enough to know how to handle a computer. 73% of the stories were clearly fake, or weren't fml's. 25% weren't humorous, or surprising, or even eventful. 2% made me laugh. And you know what I realized? That 2% is more than enough for me to come back tomorrow wondering what other wacky stuff is happening in peoples' lives. FML.

comadank 0

i got to say maybe the kid works alot im 22 and work 90 hour weeks and i have gone to my parents house and watched it with my little sister some weeks that is all the fun i have but i atleast go out lol