By Amey - 04/05/2009 09:09 - United States

Today, while watching TV, I danced, sang along, and helped Dora the Explorer get to her grandmother's house. It was the most fun I've had all year. I'm 21. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 331
You deserved it 29 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perfectwinds 0

Dora's awesome. Haha. If you plan on having kids then you'll fit right in. May I suggest babysitting? =P

I used to have a lot of fun watching The Doodlebops :D. There's nothing wrong with being 21 and watching Dora The Explorer :)... the problem is it being the most fun you had all year =[ lol.


I'm 19 and I catch a little Dora myself most mornings, because it comes on right after SpongeBob SquarePants.

lolbitch 0

"You are really ridiculous" this is from my 10 year old brother. lol

Schoolcraft 0

Haha i can imagine this: TV: "Yay! We reached the red mountain! ?Red Mountain, Red Mountain, we reached the red mountain!? Hooray!" OP: "Red mountain, red mountain, yay... wait, wait, what the **** am i doing"

Eel 0

Well...OP disregarding just HOW sad that is...Hey~ At least you know a good time: Besides, i've never seen anyone have such a *grasp* of FML before. Lovely, just lovely.


Haha oh wow, that sucks. When I used to work nights, I'd watch Nick Jr in the morning because it was the only thing that was slightly more interesting to watch. I'm 21, too, but I still watch Hannah Montana and iCarly haha.

ILoveJace01 0

Lol wow. Go to a bar. See a movie. Hang out with friends. Do something like that when you're not watching Dora. Anyone notice that she screams when she talks? Omg I hope they never give her a megaphone.