By broken finger - 18/07/2013 20:53 - United States

Today, while wiping my ass, the broken finger that has been set straight dipped into the toilet and touched a turd. This keeps happening since I broke it, and I'm sure it will again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 390
You deserved it 12 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revan546 24

Sounds like a shitty situa- no... No.. Im better than this...


popaacxx 10

That's gross. And if you're going to wipe your butt, why not lift up your bottom and angle you wrist so as not to touch anything nasty? Also, either you water is at a high level or you just have long fingers...

How far in are you putting your hand?! I'm sure you're wiping wrong.....

How damn shallow are toilets in the US? Also, this is a serious problem. And disgusting. If the finger has been set straight with something, that something will most likely not be easily cleaned, and feces is a source of a great deal of decease. Even if it hasn't, I doubt that you spend enough time to scrub your broken and probably painful finger clean. Use your other hand, or put on a rubber glove. Flush before wiping, or stand up while wiping. Do something.

Then use the other hand to wipe. It really isn't that difficult

You Americans and your shallow toilet bowls... ...Maybe you should stand and wipe, OP - studies show that it's the preferred method of about half the population.

Wait, how small is your toilet and do you not stand up to wipe? I'm always at least a foot away from the bottom of the toilet, unless you have giant hands and create massive mountains of poo in one go, I can't see this happening D: