By broken finger - 18/07/2013 20:53 - United States

Today, while wiping my ass, the broken finger that has been set straight dipped into the toilet and touched a turd. This keeps happening since I broke it, and I'm sure it will again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 390
You deserved it 12 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revan546 24

Sounds like a shitty situa- no... No.. Im better than this...


Flush before wiping, put a plastic bag over the finger, stand up to wipe, or just use your other hand. Really if you keep doing the same thing, and the same thing keeps happening, you have no one to blame but yourself.

I know this is gonna sound creepy but does everyone stay seated on the toilet while they wipe? I stand up to wipe. Like wut. My life is a lie. I thought I was normal.

taka3000000o 8

Idk bout you but I stay seated when I wipe but I flush before I do so that is my Han touches the water it won't touch a turd

LilFlutter 10

I thought standing up to wipe was normal, too. I don't know why you would stay seated, making things harder for yourself to do, but to each their own!

gentrysu 10

Come on....don't be a dipshit!

How about stand up when wiping? It's not that hard.

Either use your other hand or stand up to wipe

have you taken procausions?(sp) like bagging it if you'll happen...

I know its crazy, but Maybe you should try to use the other hand or stand up higher to wipe?

You mean people actually wipe while still sitting on the toilet? Weirdos man

No one in my family shuts the door, so I'm able to confirm this. My brother even uses the toilet paper while it's still attached to the roll.. I've seen some horrible things.