
ruttles tells us more.

Op here I actually don't buy the kcups I buy regular coffee and a pod with a washable filter...both cheaper and environmentally friendly. And the keurig was given to me so never actually bought the machine and I never read up on the maintenance instructions like I should've, which I acknowledge is my fault. But I put milk and sugar in my coffee so it never actually tasted bad to me. And the whole machine is black so I couldn't see the mold growing in it. But we've since took the keurig apart (literally) and thoroughly washed and sanitized it and we installed a water filter on it.

Pixiewolfe tells us more.

Wow my life really sucks with two FMLs published in a month. Luckily she did not actually cut any part of the ear off. It was painful and bleeding a lot but I'm no van Gogh look a like.

siggy_mcsigx tells us more.

It was a coach bus and I was sitting at the back, meaning I would have had to walk up an aisle of eyes and stand up there waiting for the driver to find a suitable place (not easy on irish country roads). Thanks tho :)

Kitkat7291 tells us more.

Kitkat7291 4

OP here - I've tried to leave an update a few times but it never sends -_-' I did go to the hospital that day and the over all verdict was in fact an ulcer. I'm on really strong antacids now. I also quit that job 2 weeks after this post, but only after securing another one. I'm much happier now, thank you everyone!