By anonymous - 14/05/2012 10:31 - United States - Havelock

Today, my boyfriend started laughing during sex because my boobs are slightly different. He then broke up with me after I pointed out that his nuts aren't exactly even either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 663
You deserved it 6 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toenibbler 14

One does not simply joke about other peoples' private parts, it generally ends badly.


Good riddance. Better off without somebody that gets offended that easily, especially when he just made fun of you.

Op's Boyfriend's logic: "I can talk about your fun bags, but you can't **** with mine."

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What a sissy boy! He should be able to take what he dished out

Dr0reos 8

He didnt want you to feel bad about having un even boobs but thats no reason to point out his flaws*he says in an incredibly sarcastic tone* GOD OP YOURE SUCH A HORRIBLE PERSON!!

Good news for the human race, that. See, it turns out that no women's breasts are completely symmetrical.

Actually every guys left ball is lower/bigger than the right one.

tjv3 10

That sucks OP your x can dish but not take. Btw I'm not in to symmetry ;)

GaleHawthorne 0

150 is right. It really helps when we walk so that they don't bang into each other.

Shadowkatt 0

yep. typical man. they can dish it out but cant take it!

Nuts arent supposed to be even the left one is supposed to hang lower -_-

toenibbler 14

One does not simply joke about other peoples' private parts, it generally ends badly.

gurly98 13

Really? I think we all know that

6- apparently not OP or her boyfriend.

#2- I really thought that said "Genitally ends badly* Apparently my brain runs on puns now. (:

It wasn't a joke. His nuts were not exactly even, and neither were her boobs. That's how humans are made. If your nuts were exactly even they would hang the same distance and be knocking into each other all day. Same with boobs... Wouldn't that hurt? Exactly.

Uh, my boobs are even. Doesn't hurt. O-o'

Wow, that's nuts. Your ex is such a boob.

#34 boobs don't work the same way as balls xD whether they are equal or not really doesn't make any différence! Everything about the Human body is not even. And I doubt the size difference between thumb nails improve anything.

MischievousV 8

It's because we aren't born/grown symmetrically. That's why one side of the face differs from the other and so forth. Amazingly a lot of ppl know very little of their bodies.

cherry72 13

Not really on boobs, but the other does make perfect sense. Ok there's my 2 cents for the day lol.

sunnykitten 1

Good observation numbskull

Well I don't know about balls but boobs grow at a different rate. Thus one is slightly bigger. It might not even be noticeable

Well, atleast now you know he was never worth your time.

xblair 11

Well, he's stupid and an asshole

Double standards, gotta love em! Some men can really be douchebags

Yeah! We need more nice guys like you, Keevarou :)

Most of the time its always the nice and sophisticated girls that are with jerks and douchebags. This is while the nice guys are sitting uncomfortably in the friend zone. Nice guys never win.

I prefer the "brother" zone than friend one kind of. But if you play your cards right, everyone can get a decent girl. And to be fair, I can be a two faced bastard too. Everyone have their good and bad days :)

That's a nicer way to put it :) Eventually they do, but in the mean time, it hurts. I've been in the "brother zone" myself and it's not fun at all. The girl of your dreams with some asshole. But I'm over that. Keevarou you're not 2 faced! You're a cool guy.

I'm two faced really. And the brother zone can hurt unless you do it yourself, sometimes you know when to pull out of stuff :) And thank you kind sir. *Gives a septim*

I love you. Like so much. Getting out the friend zones a push, but like you said, you eventually get out :) This septim shall serve me well kind sir.

twisted_cherub 14

Girls get that, too. I like gaming, think about sex as often as the average male, know a bit about cars and guns, have an incredibly smart zombie plan, love football, and am generally more logical and less emotional. For that reason I was labeled "one of the guys". To make it worse, I was always stuck babysitting their skanks of the week on camping trips, at sporting events, etc.

Good on you for being different than the "average" woman.

74, if every guy gets a decent girl, then who gets all the other girls?

Those that deserve it mostly I guess. Everyone have a different definition of decent or "other" :) But life can generally be unfair

Trisha_aus 15

Kurt with relationship advice

Dr0reos 8

Ugh, so sick of the defeatist "nice guys finish last" crap. It is both wrong AND whiney, and kind of makes it obvious why you're finishing last.

I'm also sick and tired of these "nice guys" bitching all the time. Big deal, a girl you like is with someone else. So go find another girl! You can still be friends with the first one. Look around, there are plenty of women out there. You finish last because you refuse to increase your odds. If you want a tree to grow, plant more then one seed. I'm not saying cheat on or mislead anyone, but cast a wider net guys, and stop crying about one girl!

kandi_kid69 15

Fell asleep on the "e" key, bud?

I think we're missing an 'a' in there too

Someone let a toddler onto FML! Quickly, someone send him back to his play cage before he discovers ****!

alychick 5

Omg are you a ******* douchebag to the -e- key! It needs a break sometimes you know !!!

jaystreet46 4

People shouldn't make comments about other peoples flaws, espesially during sex, but he is a total hypocrite.

He's a hypocrite. But gotta love double standards. Haha. He shouldn't have said your boobs are different. but the way you replied wasn't the greatest either. Shoulda just not let him finish and not have sex for a month! Haha.

Lol I would have gone after the reaction of "okay, I'll just start wearing a shirt during sex so you don't have to look at them 'cause apparently it bothers you so much that you have to laugh at me about it."

eatthemcows 4

Now you won't have to worry about disproportional children.

You never know, their non-symmetry could have evened out into the perfectly symmetrical baby. lol

RedPillSucks 31
afallingstar 22

99 - some things are best kept to yourself.

Sheesh, women who throw all men into one group.

Run for your life #12, the people of fml don't like stereotypes. Even if someone is part of the group they're commenting on.

Number 12 you look like Justin Beiber

MizzErikaHart 8

I thought it was Justin bieber.