All the FMLs

rubberduck_of_doom tells us more.

OP here! OMG I saw this FML and that it was from Austria and then I thought hey I'm from Austria too. Then I read the FML and thought HEY THAT'S MINE!! AND IT WAS =D.. I'M so happy =D... Just a couple of things to clarify (since 200 characters aren't nearly enough XD ): This actually happened a couple of month ago. I was on a flight home from Lima. There was this super hot flight attendant on the plane and I was ogling him everytime he passed. During the first 2 hours of the flight I felt perfectly fine and had no troubles. Then the food came and it was delicious but a couple of minutes after they cleaned up the trays I started feeling extremely nauseous. Now I travel a lot and have been on plenty of flights so far and this never happened to me before. Anyways, once I realized that I was not going to be able to hold it back I calmly got up and walked to the bathroom since I didn't want to make a fuss. Once I got there I was violently sick into the toilet. I had stomach cramps like you wouldn't believe. It hurt so much and I had no idea what was going on... After I was done I cleaned everything up as best I could and washed up as to not arouse any suspicion. I didn't look too bad (I thought) and left the bathroom, proud of myslef that nobody noticed. However as soon as I opened the door the hot flight attendant was standing there in front of the door and gave me a glass of water. Then he looked at me pityingly and asked me if I wanted some coke. I just nodded embarrased and he gave it to me. XD... I was sick like 6 more times on that flight and had cramps all the way to Paris (where I changed planes). To this day I do not know what happened to me on that flight and it hasn't happend since and I sincerely hope it doesn't happen again because this was a horrible experience. Sorry for the giant post but I always want to know the backstory behind FML's so I thought you might too ;) Thanks for all the encouraging words btw ;)