Are you experienced?

By ugh - 11/03/2013 11:33 - United States - Easthampton

Today, I was caught "experimenting" with my friend at his house. His parents called mine, and my dad came to drive me home. On the way back, he tried to cheer me up by saying, "Son, don't be ashamed. When I was your age, I sucked a few dicks myself." Thanks for the info, Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 600
You deserved it 27 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least your dad is trying to be supportive, you should be appreciative.

A bit awkward yeah but to be fair is heart is clearly in the right place and he's trying to be nice.. He could have been a horrible homophobic dick about it!


pwnman 33

Well the good thing is that your dad was positively nice to you. You find very less fathers who don't yell at their kids for masturbating, sexing, etc towards their children, and it's possible that your dad was joking.

Shonnygrl 8

He sounds like the dad from Easy A haha

If ya feel like playing for the other team step up to bat

This is amazing, op was doing chemistry at svfriends, this scares and confuses the friends parents, they call op's parents AMD his father outs himself. Remember experimenting does not always mean sexually.

madgrinchhatter 12
yaoifreak 8

That's a pretty awesome dad you have. So many men would never have the balls to admit their own explorations. Would you have felt less awkward if he had been icy cold and silent? Or if he had been freaking out over this? C'mon, this is the best possible response you could have hoped for! He loves you, no matter what (or whom) you do.

songtrees 8

I admit, your father's choice of wording was not the best, but at least he wasn't an asshole about it. He could have reacted A LOT worse, but instead, he tried to comfort you by sharing a secret from his own past. Would you rather have him bully you or freeze you out, or even worse, beat you? Open your eyes, OP. You are damn lucky to have a dad like that.