Keeping it real

By mchhhoi - 20/07/2009 06:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and were I getting it on in his bedroom where he had all of his anime models on display. I accidentally knocked over one of his models and it fell on to the floor. He got angry and kicked me out. Apparently, making his models look good was more important than us making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 13 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a difference between dating a fan and dating a FREAKING WEEABOO.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!


Well, did you apologize? I feel like there's a lot missing between knocking over his model and him kicking you out.

skiBOAT 0

I don't wanna say YDI,'re sleeping with a guy with an anime doll collection on display. FYL.

fyourlife33 0

my thoughts exactly, i mean you deserve anything that could possibly happen.. get a boyfriend that doesnt collect cartoon dolls

tht reminds me of the movie "40 year old virgin"!!

alexman6364 0

i have no idea about anime models and how much they cost, but I do know about rare thing because my mom used to collect stuff for example she has a lot of rare coins from her father. what if the model she knocked over was worth alot of money. I might not have kicked her out, but I would have been pissed. btw I collect guns and knives so I know how much some collections can be.

LeedsFML 0

You collect guns and knives???

We'll say they're pretty ******* expensive and leave it at that. A shelf of anime figures could be worth quite a bit more than a thousand bucks. It's like any other valuable collection. They're not dolls you pick up for fifteen bucks.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!

I cant believe anyone with an anime collection can expect to be getting some

Okay, let me explain something to you, #34. At least in my experience, there are more girls into anime than there are guys. A higher female to male ratio makes it in fact very likely that a given male that is into anime is getting some. What amazes me is that people into sports ever get any. :-P I'd expect, say, a sports bar to be a total sausage-fest. Then again, I've never been to a sports bar.

fyourlife33 0

by people into sports, do you mean the vast majority of the world's population? and of course you haven't been to a sports bar they dont show cartoons there

I mean the vast majority of the world's male population, but again, I'm not looking for a sausage fest. :-) Also, I'm blatantly and overtly stereotyping in what was intended to at least partially come off as self-mockery or sarcasm. Just so you know.

Ok, I know I'm gonna get berated by insults for this, but whatever. True, the male:female ratio is a lot better for Anime fans than sports, but, to be honest, not all guys are mindless sex-aholics that will do anything with a ******. Guys who are fans of sports or, better yet, athletes, have a better chance of landing a hot chick than do a guy who is surrounded by anime-fanatics. I've seen tons of anime fanatics, and am friends with tons of them, and, honestly, most aren't that hot. Sorry...

junjouromantica 0

You should come to an anime convention and see how many hot guys and girls there are. :3

Like #52 I'll probably get lots of insults...oh well... You're right. Most guys I know into anime (the general kind, there are many exceptions) have no chance of landing a hot chick and it's not the anime, it's the kind of guy they usually are. As for the girls, some of them ARE hot, but they don't act hot anf if they don't act hot they're not hot because the inside matters a lot more than out. I personally don't like otaku character. Squealing over animated guys? Trying to sound Japanese? Being like this guy? FYL for getting such a loser. He's probably a virgin. OBSESSED

*shrug* depends on the type of personality and interests you're attracted to, I guess. That's more important than what she looks like anyways. If the type that is attracted to anime isn't your type that's fine. I suspect you and I wouldn't like the same kind of girl anyways :-)

I can see your points #'s36, 52, 74; but i'd like to add it depends on the level of obsessiveness of anime/manga (the comics, anime is the cartoons). There is a difference between the fans who casually watch anime or read manga, and go to conventions for fun, maybe cosplaying (dressing up) as their favourite character, but who realize they're NOT japanese (if they're not...if they are japanese, then they can go ahead and be just that), they DON'T want to marry a certain character, DON'T go "OMG! asfhgufgnxuifgnxec O.o POCKY!!!" every time someone offers them pocky, and the stereotypical anime fan who is the opposite. =) I know a girl who thinks she's japanese just because one of her (asian) friends said she was an "honourary asian". She obsesses over manga, anime, yaoi (guy on guy), and pocky. She cosplays WAY too much. And no she is not very attractive. (In my opinion, but apparently she gets a lot of guys; maybe because she's easy?) Think of the different types of anime fans like the different types of Twilight or Harry Potter fans. =) (PS. I only know most of the terminology because A) I casually read manga for fun and B) The girl mentioned above thought I was her best friend for two years...)

These people who want to be Japanese aren't so crazy... Sometimes. I lived in Japan for three months while my mother interviewed people involved in the post-WWII occupation. I couldn't understand or speak a single word of Japanese beyond counting. I couldn't understand the television, except those broadcast with dual languages. I couldn't read anything. Everything was radically different, and yet, it felt like home more than home did. Wasn't 'til a couple of years later that I got into anime.

I agree, I'm one of those girls, lol and trust me, I know plenty of fans, more obssessed than me.

LOL, my friends go crazy when you offer them pocky! I mean, SO crazy you could film them and post it on the internet. But they aren't otakus, they're cool. They did have otaku friends that they no longer like, I guess. One of them was a girl I was friends with myself for a very short time. She is as far as you can get from hot. She isn't ugly, as in having a physically ugly face, but every quality of hers = REVOLTING, making her one of the ugliest people you'll see. No one likes her. Like the OP's bf, she's another one of those idiots making anime fans like my friends look bad.

Did you knock the bacon off his Hinata? :-

fretforyerlatte 0

i'm getting tired of reading FMLs that end in the sentence "Apparently _____ is more important to him/her than me". we already got the point, it's totally unneccessary, and about as irritating as "proceeded". anyone with me?

wtf is with the FML vendetta against "proceeded"? it's a word...?

brrrx 0

Absolutely. I can't stand all the "apparently, _____." ESPECIALLY the ones about how something insignificant is more important than a person. I hate them even more than "proceed." I can't believe this comment got enough negative votes to be hidden, it's completely true.

fretforyerlatte 0

finally, someone agrees with me. did it get hidden? it's not on mine, but maybe that's because it's my comment.

SyndicatedAlias 0

I understand his point of view...anime models, especially the collectible ones, can be realllllyyy expensive...

sweetxlittlexlie 0

get a guy that isn't such a woman that watches cartoons and cares about action figures more than sex

Shadow_Phantom 26

Yeah; I've seen some figures for about 140$. Costs more than my iPod...