Keeping it real

By mchhhoi - 20/07/2009 06:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and were I getting it on in his bedroom where he had all of his anime models on display. I accidentally knocked over one of his models and it fell on to the floor. He got angry and kicked me out. Apparently, making his models look good was more important than us making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 13 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a difference between dating a fan and dating a FREAKING WEEABOO.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!


bob1124 0

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bhangbhang 0

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_cheeseballs 0

Why'd you assume 12 year olds are the only age genre to be watching/collecting anime figures?

Shadow_Phantom 26

Seriously now? 12? You must only hear of the ENG dubs; Even Digimon and Pokemon are NOT child-friendly in the Japanese versions. They cuss and violence, and all that. One Pokemon comic references "That's the last time I take a bath with my Tentacool" as in, a squid-ish pokemon. In a love confession magazine... Use your imagination here...

kawaiianime 5
ThatCrazyGirl 0

Yes, he over-reacted. but you have to understand that people put A LOT of time into making those things!

Your name says it all about your response to this FML.

Hava_fml 0

OP and her bf were in the MIDDLE of sex. She didn't finish up and then decide to mess w/ his stuff. BF is just as responsible for having sex so close to a display of models that he values. I'm sure he had a big part to play in her rolling over or bumping into the models, whatever the case may be.. sorry Op Fyl

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Maybe she can't dump him....She might be too ugly!! Only a posibility....Not that i'm saying you are!

This is when you look for a new boyfriend, OP. His reaction is far from normal; he seems to be a little too young to handle an intimate relationship if he flips out over something like that happening on accident and during sex no less. If you guys aren't in your early teens and you're actually in your late teens or your twenties, then that is only more reason to run for the hills. He needs to not have a girlfriend until he mans the **** up.

shewasalmost18 0

you need your priorities checked. whatever you do, you DO NOT KNOCK DOWN THE PIKACHU MODEL