Keeping it real

By mchhhoi - 20/07/2009 06:18 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend and were I getting it on in his bedroom where he had all of his anime models on display. I accidentally knocked over one of his models and it fell on to the floor. He got angry and kicked me out. Apparently, making his models look good was more important than us making love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 641
You deserved it 13 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a difference between dating a fan and dating a FREAKING WEEABOO.

I hate guys like this who make anime fans look bad. If they're that important, why would they be anywhere near his bed? I collect things and understand that what may not seem precious to many others would be very precious to the owner, but this is ridiculous. Don't keep important shit near your bed if you know you'll be getting some!


PoizonJam 0

I feel like this could've happened to me with my last boyfriend... But now he's my ex. And it definitely won't with the new one.

True, but if you're having sex with him i assume you know him well enough to know how obsessed he is and therefore to be careful. And if you don't know him well enough you're a ****. Either way YDI.

Trust me, don't date guys who like first boyfriend did and now he seems to think he's a vampire...and there's another guy I know (haven't dated him) who also really likes anime and thinks he's a demon... I might have just been my experience but just stay away from them unless you like being compared to a cartoon drawing with bug like eyes and a teeny tiny mouth. Oh and big hmmhmmhmms.

lol sorry. I'm a ninja, it would never work out.

Likely, but I've seen many otakus who are white. Worst otaku I've ever seen was a Pacific Islander (Fillipino). She squealed a lot, was very hyper, pretended to be Japanese, wore cat ears, and dressed like crap. I have no idea why the **** my (asian and mexican) friends were friends with her. She looked pretty, but was really as ugly as hell to me. If I was a straight guy there's no way I'd go for her. Everytime she came to us, I'd be like 'AAAAAAHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKK ANNOYING OTAKU'. She is the kind that makes anime fans look bad. My friends (chinese, viet, mexican, white) are anime fans too, but they aren't bad. I'm not an anime fan myself, but years ago, I was obsessed with it.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

man that kind of gay cartoon shit is strictly for fags. what kind of guy owns dolls at all, let alone sets them up near his bed?

jmn207 0

somebody who gets more pussy then you obviously

StealthStorm67 0

Shut the **** up dude. Do you think the OP is a ******* super-model and the guy looks like Brad Pitt? I HIGHLY doubt it. They're both probably geeky, and realized that they were the best the other person can do, so they had sex (NOT made love). If the girl was attractive, he wouldn't have booted her out. Unless he's a total ******* loser. And Just because you've had sex doesn't mean you're cool. If you nail The Sloth from the Goonies, you are in no position to hold it over somebodies head because: "You get laid more than somebody else". And any guy that thinks its cool to keep his action figure collection at his bedside is obviously mislead. It's one thing to have a hobby, but its another to project it onto everyone that visits.

I'm a pretty big anime fan yet I still can't believe people are defending the guy. If he's not serious about collecting and doesn't keep them in boxes, then knocking one over shouldn't hurt do any damage to them, or at least not enough to care. Now, if you actually broke it I could see him being angry, as some of those figures can get damn expensive and/or hard to get; usually both. But kicking out a girlfriend for it? What a failure.

He is right. It takes many hours of work to make a good anime model, but it only takes a couple of minutes to make a load of hot man-goo. You wasted a lot of his time.

You would seriously date a man who displays anime models in his bedroom? Seriously? I'm not saying YDI, because the dude is obviously a complete douche, but honey, you really need to have standards.