
By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 22:19 - United States

Today, I met with a friend who had gained some weight since I saw him last. After a friendly hug, I put my hand on his new man boob and, without thinking, left it there way too long. I realized that I was groping him and, in a panic, did the only thing I could think of. I patted it. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 009
You deserved it 54 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments


way to be a douchebag...if they are good friends there is no reason they can't laugh about it...

LMAO This just made my night. And i'm having a particularly terrible one at that. Thanks OP! :D Hope you two just laughed about it afterwords haha

ramonesmuchacha 0

haha yeah... fml makes my night sometimes.

hahaha! omg lmao! well I guess your friend gained more than a "little" weight you should've been like..."my bad"..shruged ur shoulders& hopefully he would laugh

I have not been able to sleep all night but this makes it all worthwhile.

Hahahhahahahaha. Wow. That is funny. I can picture it so clearly inside my head. *grope* "Oh...that's a man boob....yyyyeeeepppp." *pat* *pat* *curt nod* This is absolutely priceless.

jncwmnd 0

LMAO! I totally pictured it the same way, I can't think of the exact facial expression the guy would have though. Either way, I love it. OP..thanks for making me laugh ^_^

j3nn1987 0

Maybe you're just attracted to fat people! At least he didn't get a boner outta it.

that means chubby chaser, unread of attracted to fat people

i_luv_cheese 0
aerials_fml 0

This is so funny. I was totally imagining it in my head. More funny: I thought the OP was a man at first. Now wouldn't that more awkward? hahaha.

Nissi 17