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No excuses!

By davka - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was fired from my job. Apparently getting shot is no valid reason to stay home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 983
You deserved it 4 905

Top comments

Stab wounds only accepted. Company policy, don't fight it.

ummm wow what were you doing the night before that resulted in you being shot?


Stab wounds only accepted. Company policy, don't fight it.

gutzz 0

Ya, don't make them shoot you again, they did it once to get rid of it, next time they'll get rid of you for good!!

how bad does it suck that they are hated enough to get shot and that the employer was just waiting for some excuse to fire them. how worthless are you

pimplayer 0

haha ur that naked guy that came out the car trunk. 

hellbilly205 17

lol maybey u shoula went to work its only a shot

ImaWiseGuy 5

44, save your comments you toothless cousin ******, go back to your double wide and fry something......

F14Shado 0

lmfao. this is an amazing comment. and 44 don't hate just cuz you're a majority.

44 I think your late for your Klan meeting

At 92: Exactly! I couldn't have said it better myself...

what did 44 say? all it says is comment moderated

MrsxBillxKaulitz 5
shift_love 13

#75,92,99 all of y'all are being just as racist as #44 cracker is a racial slur invented by the African Americans to bring white people down, not all white people that are racist are "toothless cousin *******" nor do they participate in the kkk. everybody is racist this whole race battle needs to calm the **** down because I think the most common form of racism is currently contrived of the black man hatin on the white man. fyl 75,92&99 fyl op talk to hr about your termination proove with doctors notes im sure you can get ur job back.

^ And now we know...You need to calm down review this thread again.

I wonder how awful 44's comment was. >>;

FFAffliction 0

44s comment was a racial slur for African Americans, 92 by that logic the majority of inner-city, well let's just say all African Americas are cousin ******* who live in double wides, because they use that term too.

jcowsert2 5

147 I think u mean 75, 92, and 100.. and as you can see, 92 and 100 are white... so your statement, "I think the most common form if racism is contrived if the black man hating on the white man", is irrelevant bc they are white people hating on white people....

JoshTheMaggot 8

I'm not racist, I hate everyone..

I guess OP's excuse was just a "shot in the dark" to his boss.

maybe they thought y sed like getting a shot lol

I'm a cracker eating white boy and proud of it. White Power! I mean that in a totally non-racist way, just think about it before you give me some bullshit lecture. Are you not proud to be black, are you not proud to be hispanic? If you don't support your own team, get the hell outta the stadium.

hellbilly205 17

white power! in the proud racist way honestly coons are more racist thn us white folk so shut up

175 hating everyone is called being a Nilest

I think we can all agree that 209 just needs to die.

stewpididiot 11

crackers are good with peanut butter. and with soup too.

Hellbilly - Congrats on disproving your point by using a racial slur in your "argument." Moron.

Whenever a comment is modded and then ppl talk about i always wondor what the comment was...anyone else???

zmoney314 0

Wait here is a great idea; shoot your boss and see if he feels your pain then. On second thought that will probably get you 5-10 years in the slammer.

YDI For not shooting first, they can't have people who can't handle themselves in a gun fight having around the office

020266t 5

even if you were first, no body gives a ****

if by first one to be a dumbass but 2nd to post a stupid comment then you're right, you are the first! Nice fail, retard.

Oh Shoot! You got fired? Aim higher. You'll soon be loaded. 

If he was gone for a week that's one thing, but if he was gone for several weeks then op deserved to get fired.

bawpo 2

yeah #79, don't be a retard.

BadasS14 0

But OP would probably still needs a doctor's excuse where it says that Op can't work for a while until op recovers from the injury.

sounds like op needs some medical merihuanes

ummm wow what were you doing the night before that resulted in you being shot?

gutzz 0

If they would've just left the gun in op's mouth, op wouldn't have this problem...

ImaWiseGuy 5

he thought shooting himself would get him a couple nights off work......and not to mention, add to his street credit.....^^

#4 you are gorgeous!!! and I'm willing to bet he was suckin some "crack" out of his suga daddy. then his baby momma done seen all jealous and was like "b**ch". he got shot, then burger king fired him for forgetting to put a patty on the bread. it's a common problem with fast food across black America!

Michele2luv 8

wow^^ got it all figured out I see

my guess is he is from a country with a lot of violence

zach456 0

he obviously lives in new jersey with all those gang bangers

Gangbangers use guns now? Wow, people really like it rough!

New Jersey is associated with gang bangers? I must not live where I think I live...

He shot himself to show his alter ego that he wasn't afraid. He got rid of the alter ego, but sadly lost his job in the process. I would say it was worth it.

vonfupchickrn 0

gang bangers? haha ******* loser

Moscow_fml 0
foreverDark 1

If he lives in the ghetto coulda been a drive by

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

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oblio 0
andres19 0

your weakness to bullets disgusts me

guy0ne101 0

so your telling him to man up? I bet you wouldn't be going to pre school if you were shot

So you're advocating the shooting of pre-schoolers, 104? You're a sick man.

I've got shot and it doesn't feel pretty it stings and that's a small bullet a big one like a sniper hurts and bleeds a lot more. He proudly got shot by a 9mm or a .45 ACP

haha you sound like your on silent library

smtm2012 6
A7X_LoVeee 10

That is so wrong! What a bunch of assholes! Also, how does OP deserve it??

gutzz 0

For getting in the bullets way.

gutzz 0

For getting in the bullet's way.

For tempting a bear with a gun. Those bastards are homicidal, he/she should be grateful they lived to tell the tale.

how could he possible NOT get in the way I mean com on!!!

Primo_Loco 0
btterflygrl 0

Maybe they didn't call in. Most jobs are picky like that. That's why I put YDI.

181 - If they've been shot, the first thing they're gonna do is go to the ER. Really? You clicked YDI because they didn't call while they were possibly bleeding half to death? As long as they had a valid doctor's note, the whole situation should have been fine. Most businesses don't fire people for not coming in as long as the employee can prove there was no way in hell they could have come in and it wasn't their fault.

zmoney314 0

Get shot LIKE A BOSS!!! Call in sick LIKE A BOSS!!! Get fired LIKE A BOSS!!! Take revenge LIKE A BOSS!!! Go to jail LIKE A BOSS!!!

bite the bullet and move on... Actually that really does sux. Speedy recovery to you OP ;)

I believe biting the bullet is what got him into this mess.

ifiFaLL 1

move on? id pursue this further... getting shot is serious shit, and if thats really what happened and he was fired for not going to work because of getting shot. thats bullshit and would never fly.

ItsAllBeenDone 0

50cent was shot nine times. you dont hear him complaining, so suck it up. haha im just kidding. but that sucks for you.

gutzz 0

But it's also the reason he's only worth half a dollar.

LOL win 23 did you know his kids name is 25cent? o.O

^ I didn't know that lol that's too much!!!

man that's "Ludacris" I want my "nickleback"

fiddy has been whining to someone. we all know about how many times he's been shot. that ain't coz he's quiet about it.

dudemanbro7 0

Farris Bueler was absent from school nine times he ain't complaining.

50cent and all his fanboys need to stfu. Theodore Roosevelt was shot and finished his speech before actually doing anything about it. Just Sayin

zach456 0

oh god I lm shot I'm down help ring hello YOUR FIRED!! what? I got shot!! I don't care you pussy click'

CasualZombie 6