No gods, no masters

By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boyfriend and I got intimate. It was his first time, which I guess explains him sticking his hand down my panties and practically bitch-slapping my vagina for the next 20 or 30 seconds. I stupidly faked an orgasm just to get him to stop. Now he thinks he's some kind of sex god. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 354
You deserved it 34 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raysmith121 10

This really is your fault. You should instruct him and guide him.

You kind of deserved that. There's no point in lying to save someone's feelings and make yourself miserable.


Why can't you just tell him what he sees in **** isn't really what a lot of women, especially you, like.

NEVER. FAKE. AN ******. Teach him instead, that way both of you might get something out of it

I bet that girl in your profile pic has had to fake one. Preach to her not the OP

just work it out with him and tell him what you like. if he cares, he'll listen. do the same for him too :)

I can't believe he really thought they happen that fast.. But I guess it was his first time so

It's not hard to communicate what you want sexually! Just do it!

YDI. He may be ignorant, but faking is the worst thing you could have done. It will be better for both of you if you just talk to him about your likes and dislikes. Teach him, it might be fun. With your help, he might even turn into "some kind of sex god" ;)

townailz 16

Now every time he's going to do this because he thinks it worked the first time

always try to be honest in bed, there will be no improvement if he thinks he's doing good

Guys stick with what works, and he thinks this actually works. You need to sit him down, come clean (no pun intended) and let him know what actually does work for you (which you should have done BEFORE you let him touch you sexually). Otherwise this will be the joke you call your sex life while you're dating him. YDI

Sex and foreplay is all about communication. No point in making him think he is any good when he is not. He needs practice and guidance, and as his partner, you need to help him otherwise you are just setting him, and yourself, up for a horribly unsatisfying sex life.