No kinkshaming here

By Anonymous - 30/09/2012 04:37 - United States - Northridge

Today, my boyfriend told me he masturbates to the thought of me swimming in pancake syrup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 099
You deserved it 5 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's just no pleasing some women. Be happy his fantasy features you at all.


Takainthemachine 0

Look on the bright side...he is masturbating thinking of YOU and not someone else!

You see, the problem with the pool of syrup is that when you're in the pool, it's pleasurable. However, when out of the pool, you become irritatingly sticky...

Shadowvoid 33

Are you by any chance a pancake?

OP's boyfriend is completely normal...

ElishaisSexy2016 9
jayhawkchik 4

Hey, at least he thinking of you and not ****.

I don't... really see the problem. Your boyfriend fantasises about you swimming in an oily substance. Why syrup, who can say, but I can certainly see how it could be deemed sexy. Of the many deviances, that one's positively pleasant.