Nope out of there

By twintowers - 04/07/2009 20:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having phone sex. It got very wild and soon was interrupted by a knock on my door. My dad had come home early from work, and heard the whole thing. He demanded my boyfriend to come over, and he had a sex talk with him on the couch in front of the whole family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 412
You deserved it 23 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when you start pushing the pound key over and over


If you don't scream it all over the house, you don't have to put up with that humiliation. This is a good lesson for when you're living in an apartment or duplex, so you don't have firemen or cops showing up to rescue you. Show some restraint. You do not have to break the sound barrier just because you're having sex. Other people have sex without setting off the Richter scale, so can you.

They were having PHONE sex. Please learn to read before going into lecture mode, gramps.

waterynuggets 0

They could have been yelling over the phone lolz.

"OH MY GOD. YESYESYES. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!" -phone dies- "Yeah I can still hear you"

Um...Dumbass #15? I_was_reading. If they were loud enough that Dad felt he had to give the boyfriend "the lecture", then they were TOO GODDAMNED LOUD. Go back to "no child left behind" and learn how to read your own stupid self.

"My dad had come home early from work, and had heard the whole thing." Save your lame "no child left behind" jokes for yourself. The reason they got caught was because the OP's dad came home early. So please, please, refrain from dishing insults when you lack the ability to read. >.>

He wouldn't have heard them if she wasn't being all loud, fucktard.

lab2lb 0

yeah he could have easily walked up to her room and as he was about to enter and say hi to her, hear her having phone sex. doesn't mean she was outrageously loud, she just wasn't prepared for someone to come to the door. it was fate!

Wow, that's a little embarrassing. I mean, it would've been bad enough with just your dad talking to you and your boyfriend... but to do it infront of your family. I can see his point if you're very young, and he doesn't want you doing anything stupid... but if you're old enough to make your own decisions he should respect that.

YDI and be thankful that your father didn't blow up on either of you.

your boyfriend deserves phone head for that

alex_vik 0

Phone sex is ******* stupid.

If you two were close enough that he could have just came over...why wasnt he there and you two having actual sex instead of phone sex...Haha. I would much rather be walked in on having sex then talking dirty on the phone.

alliemi 0

YDI, phone sex? Uhhh, your dad WASN'T home, which means you were home alone. .......

You actually have a great dad. Most dads would have done one or more of the following: 1. Grounded you for life. 2. Kicked you out of the house. 3. Forbid you from seeing your boyfriend ever again 4. Beat the crap out of the boyfriend. Sure, the sex talk was humiliating and awkward, but it was probably among the most difficult things your dad has ever had to do, and it shows that he cares incredibly much about you. You should be thanking your dad from the rooftops instead of saying he caused an FML!

kitties_fml 12

uh, i hope most dads wouldn't do any of those four things...

bexox 0

Yet, many do. I kind of agree that it's good parenting.