
By Anonymous - 03/05/2013 21:00 - Germany

Today, I overheard my boyfriend admitting that he's only dating me because having me around "sucks a bit less than fucking my own hand". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 798
You deserved it 5 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

challan 19

Time for him to go back to wanking then, isn't it?


i dont like jerks. i also did not marry a jerk. so be gone with your disgusting generalization.

43, you are extremely blessed if you never dated a jerk in your past. But I know way too many assholes and the majority of them are not single. Of corse they usually go after women with low self esteem. :P

I'd dump him and give him an plastic hand for christmas. just to let him know that hes still single.

its time for his hand to come back and please him.

sounds like he needs to go back to the hand.

Time to leave him with his hand then.

ive had my share of jerks. and obviously, i left them. proving: not all women love jerks. you piss a lot of people off when you generalize.

f_ourlives2013 7

Trade that jerk in for someone who genuinely enjoys your company!