
By thiswouldhappen. - 17/03/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, my dad gave me a promise ring on my one-year anniversary with my boyfriend and made me swear I would wait until marriage. Four hours later, he walked in on us having sex in my bedroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 676
You deserved it 265 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do parents think a ring will convince their dear daughter to keep her leg closed? it never works.

And that is why you don't do it in your parents' house.


Isn't it called a "purity ring," not "promise ring"? IDK.

paradiselost_fml 0

Way to break a promise. You seem really untrustworthy, maybe you shouldn't be having sex when you can't even be honest with your parents. I see the next conversation... Dad: Well, if you are going to be sexually active can you at least promise me to use some form of birth control? OP: Of course dad, I promise. ...3 months later... OP: So, dad...about that birth control thing. Yeah, I'm pregnant.


What did your dad say? My father would never trust me again.

Thrashmeister 0

Wow. If you're going to break a promise, at least don't be so sloppy about it. Do you really hate your dad that much to spite him like that?

Yeah do it in another house...but what a dumbass dad.

snow_cloak 0

You didn't lock your door? 0.o

You could of at least waited till you were out of the house. Especially after your dad gave you something, that's just wrong.

no sympathy for you, at least have some respect not to **** in the man's house after you promised not to. ya *****

Minstrels 0

If ya told him you wouldn't have sex, and led him on, you should at least have the courtesy not do it in his house, and especially not when he may be home. Jackass.

Welp, #74 gets the religious wack job prize. Honestly, apart from you doing it while your dad was still home, this is a completely legit FML. Your dad shouldn't be imposing archaic rules on you based on expensive guilt trips and Bible verses pulled out of his ass.