Stop lying

By dinosaurman - 07/10/2009 16:07 - Canada

Today, I found out that my sister, who is 16 years older than me, is actually my biological mother. She and my parents decided it was best that I didn't know who my real mother was, and to be raised by my grandparents as their child. I've always hated my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 192 614
You deserved it 10 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Well then, I guess it's a good thing your grandparents raised you, isn't it?

Holy shit... this one isn't even funny. I'm sorry, man : |


FAKEstfu 0

Why the **** would someone make this up? Jerk offs, go live your stupid mundane life!

would you name happen to be Eric Clapton sir?

invisiblerabbit 0

so i guess those people who come on Maury aren't paid actors afterall!

same thing happened to one of my friends, but her "sister" was 14 years older. hopefully your grandparents gave you a good life, and maybe eventually you can have a good relationship with your sister/biological mother.

Wow, I was so confused at first. I thought you meant that your sister and your dad... well, you know. Incest. Wow, that sucks.

Hm... if the OP now wants her father, we have quite the Electra complex going here...

Maybe you hate your sister because you picked up on her resentful feelings toward you. She may have been jealous that your grandparents liked you best and took great care of you when you were little. Your grandparents may also have made her feel like a ***** for getting pregnant (who knows what went on while you were just a baby). The next step is to research and "SURPRISE" your biological father. Check him out, he could be an asshole, but then again, there exists a whole new vista of kidney donors should you ever have the need... P.S. it's okay that you hate your "Mom" your real parents are your "Grandparents."

Whatevers_clever 0

Oh wow, that's tough but at least you were raised normally! :/

voveraite 7

Hm, it's nice there are stories about people who grew up like that and turned out successful! To be frank, the first time I read this story I thought of Ted Bundy!

Justise 0

same thing happened to Jack Nicholson, so you're in good company!