
By clutzasaurus - 03/05/2013 05:35 - United States - Odessa

Today, I was feeling down about being stuck in bed after ankle surgery. I thought I would go ahead and call my boss and let him know everything went well. He said the obligatory nice things, then told me that if I'm not at work on Monday, I'll be fired. I can't even get out of bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 918
You deserved it 3 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully he's joking. If not, sue for unfair dismissal.

That's illegal. Employers have to give you leave for things like surgery. There's a federal act that mandates it called FMLA. If he attempts to fire you over this, you can definitely get him in a lot of trouble.


That's against the law. If he does do that I'd contact a lawyer immediately. You'd probably be able to file for unemployment too. My last job fired me for health reasons and I'm getting unemployment because of it

allisadawn91 8

Yeah. If he does, that's a lawsuit.

kennaem1 11

can't you bring in a doctor's note OP? They can't fire you for that

He can't do that! Get some proof, emails, I.M's, texts, anything you can take to the labor board. Then sue his butt!

There are a few things that need to be done before lawyers get involved. If your boss has a boss then contact that person and explain the situation and if they side with your boss then call a lawyer. If your boss is the only boss then just threaten legal action and at least talk to a lawyer and if you can't afford one that's ok, they can still give you some kind of advise. And if you're with some kind of union then call your union rep. Sorry your boss is a dick and has made everything harder then it should be.

ninjajoehenes48 8

I bet that surgery cost an arm and a leg.

This is Friday. You have over 48 hours to man up.