The last laugh

By criminal tit offender - 31/08/2013 16:25 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I went skinny-dipping with my friends. At one point, I jokingly pointed out how one of them had the smallest boobs of us all. She calmly got out of the pond, dried herself, scooped up our clothes and phones, and drove off in her car. The cops she called arrived soon after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 965
You deserved it 72 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe next time you shouldn't comment about other peoples bodies. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

While her response was a bit excessive, you are no one to judge someone else's breasts.


plot twist : The person with the smallest boobs was not a girl.

Plot twist : the person with the smallest boobs was the ONLY girl.

Plot twist: there were no girls, just a bunch of overweight middle-aged men, with one being gender confused.

\ 28

Gender has no meaning in the FML world.

I doubt that most girls talk to each other about their vaginas.

If she was willing to mock her ****, why not her ******?

For the same reason dudes mock each others penises but not each others buttholes... Because its weird.

Exactly. Boobs are still a sexual organ. It's inappropriate to comment on them. YDI OP.

Yes, girls do talk about their boobs, but not their vaginas, that's just weird!

155- girls talk about their vaginas too?

#132 lol noon they're not. humans just made it seem like one. it's an organ that provides baby milk

Don't go around making fun of people ydi.

olpally 32

Instant karma for being a bitch. Good.

perdix 29

That would be extra hurtful if there were several dudes in the group.

Pointing it out in a crowd of people is the worst feeling.

yea, having your differences pointed out to a crowd is a horrible feeling. especially if all you want is to fit in

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Op was saying it to be an ass and make her feel bad. It's like when you're in a group of girls and one of them comments "Becky, are those the same pants you were wearing yesterday?" They know they're the same pants, they're only saying it to bring negative attention on that person and make them feel bad/embarrassed. Same thing here.

RedPillSucks 31

So, would an appropriate response be to set your friends up to be arrested? I don't think so.

The end of the friendship was implied with the stealing and the cop-calling.

#26 agreed. bitch needs to set herself straight and learn to take a joke, else gtfo of this world

women with small boobs should be happy. less you got, less they sag later.

Plus, it's easier to lay on your belly! :3

So women with big boobs should be unhappy? well thank you

27 never said big breasted women should be unhappy, just that small breasted women should be happy with what they have also. Stop being so sensitive!

monnanon 13

yeah dont call the cops on us now 160.

cutiepie99 17

Wow how would u feel if that happend to you rude much I feel bad for your friends that had to face the cops because of you next time if you don't have anything nice to say keep your mouth shut

laughtersplay 14

I read that all in one breath due to the lack of punctuation. I feel light-headed now

DrownedMyFish 18

Can you also report the act of theft that she just committed?