By fml_for_real - 04/02/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend to ravish me. He told me he would rather play PS3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 276
You deserved it 6 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure he wasn't having sex with the PS3?

What is with people saying "you obviously aren't good in bed" or "he isn't into you"?? Why is he her boyfriend then!? And to be honest, he has a right to not be in the mood for sex, it kind of depends on how often he seems to prefer his ps3..


RockingRyan12 0

OMFG what a douche! If it was an xbox i would totally understand but a PS3!?! FYL definitely.

Maybe you should let him put it in your butt next time... jk haha. but seriously, maybe things are gettig boing in the bedroom. Do something kinky with him, or be creative. I thought women read Cosmo and knew all this shit already?

You could tell he's a douche to begin with. I mean, HE HAS A PS3.

AmoraLynn 6

Oh my, I've been trying to let my boyfriend know that I want to have sex and he just isn't getting it. You however have more balls than me since you just straight up told him and he still said no. I think thats a F his life for saying no when you wanted to. Hope he doesn't ask you any time soon.

Only ****** use the word "ravish" like that. *****. Also, you're probably horrible at sex, or else your boyfriend would be more excited. Conversely, you could be just fine at sex, but he could have just jerked off or cheated on you.

I can one-up you. From these 17 words i can also say that she is 5'2'', has brown hair, likes to ski and write poetry. She also is a fan of harry potter and rock music. She is considering going to the University of Iowa, but has money concerns. And, yes, I'm being sarcastic. OP, that sucks, and if anything i said above is actually true, it's a coincidence, I made it up

AmoraLynn 6

How is ravish a word only a ***** would use?

it depends on his tone when he said it. he most likely didn't mean it harmfully. but next time, rather than asking, just start sucking him off a little bit, and then ask him to ravish you. the answer will most likely be different.

pattom 0

what's his profile name hahaha jk but I feel bad for ya

dante0220 0

multitasking makes decisions like that easier lol