By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 12:09 - Canada

Today, I baked a chicken pot pie in the oven. I pulled it out, and noticed a big piece of tasty-looking, flaky pastry had come loose. Without thinking I ripped it off and popped it into my mouth. I HEARD the skin on the inside of my cheeks burn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 460
You deserved it 85 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God, I'm so hungry now. FYL though.

So what does it sound like? Just a general sizzle?


couragewolf9001 0

#32 You're* can't* But, then again,* So* *til wasn't*

Glutton. That piece of sensual, delicious wonderful beautiful pastry would have still been there in 5 minutes. Honest to Shiva. YDI.

NoBounceNoPlay 0

@32… chill, man. Obviously, this person knows he didn't think. What's with the rant? I mean, people act like stuff like this never happens to them. Haven't you ever bought a big slice of pizza, and couldn't wait for it to cool?

#33 But then again,* until* rofls ;p

haha #4. looks like the grammar police are out again

couragewolf9001 0

How have you survived to an age where you can use a computer?

WTF??? how did you not notice it was hot when you had it in your hand?