By mylifereallyISeffed - 22/07/2009 10:43 - Australia

Today, I came home to find my dad crying. Turns out my parents are getting divorced because my mom had an affair. With a teacher at my school. A female teacher. And the school isn't going to fire her because she's a good teacher. Every day at school I'm going to have to see her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 422
You deserved it 4 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why should the school board fire her? It's the teacher's private life and she's not having an affair with one of the students, so why should it be a problem at school? It's gonna be awkward for you and I understand that you must be really upset about it, but you not liking her shouldn't be a reason for her to lose her job.


awkward but really that's not something to fire her over... if it had been a student yes but otherwise no.

no that's bullshit she'd be fired on the spot, he had an affair with a student's married mom. she is SUPPOSED to be a role model, and what example is she setting there...

mysterydrop 0

that teacher deserves to be fired messin up a home because she wants to be a ***** and no offence to you but the mother is no better

isthisonetaken 0

your dad should have demanded a threesome. good news for him though is that if she was cheating, his wallet won't get completely cleaned out...

It's not just about the teacher guys - I think the divorce is much worse! Divorces are hard...I'm sorry =( and FYdad'sL...he has it so much worse. Being cheated on and having to divorce and gah D: this is such a sad FML... I hope everything works out for you, OP. Just know you're not alone, affairs and divorces happen to everyone.

what the ****? that must have been one crazy parent-teacher conference to have it en up like this...

AntiChrist7 0

as Eric Cartman would say: Sweet

brrrx 0

How selfish are you? You find your Dad crying because his wife is leaving him after an affair, and you're complaining that you have to see the woman your mom left your dad for? Life must be really hard for you, clearly. Why don't you think about your Dad's feelings, maybe? Yes, it sucks that your parents are splitting up...but you're not complaining about that, are you? Otherwise I'd have some sympathy for you. And you're complaining that the teacher isn't getting fired? Should she be fired for having a life? The last time I checked, teachers were allowed to have lives, be in relationships, and be homosexual. You don't deserve it, but this really isn't about you...not an FML.

unibrowicorn 0

Wow,your standards from FMLs must be insanely high. Did the OP say "oh, idc about my dad"?no, she didn't. Of course it sucks for her dad, but SUCKS for her,too, because not only are her parents getting a divorce, she has to see the person her mother cheated on her father with every single time she goes to school. Everyone who says "a teachers sex life is their own, etc. etc." needs to think about what they're saying. The teacher's love life IS personal, but that's not an excuse. I think she pretty much forfeited any privacy when she had sex with the mother of her student. It wasn't just the mother's fault, either; I mean,what,was it rape?--unless the teacher didn't realize the mother was married.

Does the teacher's sex partner's status as a parent warrant the student's making her life hell at school? No. Does it warrant her sex life being made public? No. Unless she raped someone, who she has sex should be no concern to anyone at the school she works at, or to the general public.

why would they fire a teacher for you? idiot.