By GM38 - 23/06/2012 02:57 - United States - Melbourne

Today, I divorced my husband of 20 years. The only positive thing about my day was my pregnancy test. Yes, it was his. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 110
You deserved it 9 022

Same thing different taste


okay so for people saying they should get back together for the children...that's wrong. people get divorced for a reason. most cases people don't get divorced for the hell of it. the relationship is obviously dysfunctional,and exposing a child to the dysfunctional relationship can be harmful to the child. my parents are divorced and have been since i was young. i understand my mom had to do what she had to do, and i respect that. id prefer my parents divorced than to be trapped in a dysfunctional and unhappy home. stressful and unhappy homes can seriously hinder a child's development.

I agree. My parents got divorced my senior year but they hated each other for 4 years before that...if not longer. It makes the house miserable and you feel like you need to walk on egg shells all the time so you dont set one of the parents off. I was upset by the divorce at first but not because of the divorce itself but because of what i learned about each parent during it. Never ever Stay together "for the kids" it hurts them more than it helps them.

Most people get divorced because one or both of them are too selfish to make the sacrifices necessary to sustain and grow the marriage. People also have the stupid idea that marriage is about warm, fuzzy feelings and being "in love." Love is putting the other persons needs before your own and honoring your promise to stick with them until death.

amandajlucas2015 2

Y r y'all gettin a divorce if ur still havin sex? U should have just worked it out.

Good luck with that ,hope u did not leave him for someone els .

Talk about a conundrum. I don't know what I would do.

Abortion time. But I'm guessing your use of past tense "was" implies you already got it.

Hang on, you got divorced but you recently had sex? I'm sure divorces take a while. YDI.

Or maybe they had sex... let's say a couple weeks ago for arguments sake. And things were on the rocks but not totally ****** up yet. After that sexcapade, things rapidly went downhill and she filed the paperwork today, realized she felt rather odd and/or missed her period, took the test and deduced it must be his because she hasn't had any other partner recently. Is that really that hard to follow?

Well at least you are having a baby. Some people try forever and never have one. Maybe he will help you raise it.

Eww how old is she? She's been married for 20 years...

You realize a lot of women have kids in their late 30s and early 40s, right?

Omg! OLD PEOPLE HAVING SEX! RUUUUUN! *facepalm* #264, not everyone over the age of twenty-one is omg ew old.

grace12898 0

Well add two more positives! Alimony AND Child Support!