By poops - 27/01/2010 03:14 - United States

Today, I found out my girlfriend and her best friend compare the dumps they take to common transportation. They comment about it on each others facebook page. My girlfriend's last one was apparently a 'coach bus'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 071
You deserved it 3 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So your gf has a sense of humour? Oh you poor thing your life is ruined. Come on this isn't an fml. :)


OK. Now I'm convinced that these FMLs are picked at random.

So basically... "Today, I learned that my girlfriend has a sense of humor. Also today, she took a huge dump. FML" ... And this is an FML how?

waterynuggets 0

Lol @ this getting through and posted.

Coach eh? All that anal has loosened the chile ring.

that's sick, the only thing that should be a dump is her

princess_six 0

O_o oh noes, she took a shit, how terrible -____-;;; I really dont understand this whole like "EW GROSSS SHE POOS" thing. Yeah, girls pee, poo, fart, and burp. OMG alert the presses *rolls eyes*. This is a ******* stupid fml.

So what if it's stupid? It's funny. And I don't find it gross. It's not like they're touching it or anything, just making a joke. Guys make poop jokes all the time, why can't girls?

0 3

FML stands for "**** My Life", not "check it out my girlfriend poops"

That's nasty. I mean wtf. It's not disgusting she took a dump, EVERYONE does that, but it's just disgusting to compare your poo to public transport. I share a LOT with my friends, almost every single detail in my life, but one of them is not what my freaking poo looks like. Am I the only girl here who thinks that what the OP's girlfriend is doing does not represent she has a sense of humor?

I agree you're not the only one who thinks it's gross, but to say she doesn't have a sense of humor is a little presumptuous. If she had absolutely NO sense of humor, she really wouldn't discuss *anything* that wasn't proper. It may be an infantile humor, but she does have a sense of it. To each their own, you know?

Yeah, you're right. It's just that all the comments like "Soo, us girls shit where's the big deal." are irritating me. It's not about the girl ********, it's about her discussing how her poo looks like public transport. Using wall posts on facebook, so everyone sees it. They could at the very least talk about it in private, I'm pretty sure people don't wanna know about their 'coach bus' poo. I know I don't.

I definitely see what you're saying. Honestly, if I saw a bunch of girls going back and forth with that daily, I'd probably remove one or both off my list so it didn't flood my wall. From the way he just found out about it, and this has been ongoing, the impression I got was that they're speaking in "code". Not blatantly saying, "My big brown fecal matter looks like a big yellow school bus!", but more like, "Coach bus today! Hehehe..." Which isn't any better, but there's a certain weird pleasure taken in discussing a random topic in code. Kind of like (if you did this, I know I did it with my friends all the time) when you were a kid and you "made up" a "new language". Somebody else picked up the note it was written on, tried to read it, everybody involved would snicker. Not that it was about that particular person, or ANYBODY for that matter, those notes were never harmful to any degree (more like, Come over my house? Check, bring the popcorn!) It was just having that secrecy with somebody else. That's the only comparison I can think of, anyway, LOL.

Intellectualist 0