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By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 786
You deserved it 1 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


bsneeze 0

I just laughed really hard when i read this but it is not funny for you. You Kind of deserve this for not using a condom, not only for pregnancy purposes but because there are so many STD's floating around out there. She has got to be crazy if she did that to you, so you have no idea what she might have. Ouch, sorry!

#103, bringing a child to this world and all u can think about is the child support?!!? wow.............. how can u be so irresponsible? BOTH of the parties actually! if she does bring a child to this world, how sad would that be? to find out ur parents had sex while drunk and the father never wanted u and that they "barely knew" each other!!

Um... #9 you need to get your facts straight. The egg is able to be fertilized for 12 hrs. Sperm can live for up to four days and sometimes longer. They can be their four days before and still get her pregnant!

wow you poor guy, I honestly would have punched her in the face, stupid bitch!. lol any way if it makes you feel better its your choice weither or not you want to be there. normally if one of my guy friends came to be about this type of problem i'd tell him to grow a set of balls and man up. but you situation is sooo different and honestly you dont need to man up about this because it was clearly her fault and she put you in this position.

heres a fun fact for you, OP. Did you know that there are several (i forget how many, like over 20) different hypes of the herpes virus? one type only grows inside the ******, making it impossible to see. she could have it and never know it. stupidest thing you could have ever done with a stranger. stupidest thing she could have ever done with a stranger. your fault for f*cking her, her fault for being a crazy trash *****. in the future, stick to classy ladies. DNA test that shit up, if need be.

That is just a sick thing for her to pull but... your own fault for banging drunk chicks when you have no condom. And for just being an overall dumbass.

dnm 0

Everyone who has commented here so far on fertility is wrong. Period. That said, you're an idiot. Wrap it up next time. Also, #81: what kind of boring-assed life to you live? Jesus man, this is 2009. If you can't get laid, so be it, but don't make such foolish statements.

kandy_fml 0

I'm gonna say you deserved this one. Having unprotected sex isn't smart in and of itself. But if you actually thought pulling out is an effective form of birth control, then you're just moronic.

Congrats, champ!!! Forget all those idiot comments!! At least you got laid!