By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.



DiSab 0

I think you were totally asking for it. You shouldn't be having random sex, much less without a condom. If you were worried about getting her pregnant than you should have not had sex with her or at least worn a condom. As for your comment "I couldn't pull out in time"...Are you stupid? Not being able to pull out in time doesn't matter because "Pulling out" is NOT a real method of birth control. You may think that it will prevent you from getting someone pregnant but the reality is that some sperm is released before you ejaculate which defeats the whole purpose of pulling out...

Apples58 0

You know you can still get her pregnant even if you do pull out right?

omgfuckmylife 0


A) You could still get her pregnant regardless if you "pulled out in time" B) She's ******* crazy, ahaha.

clear wrap??!!! hahahahaahha there is no way you're serious! OowWwWWwww

_Elizabeth_ 0

1. You could still have gotten her pregnant. 2. She's ******* bonkers. 3. Don't get drunk and have sex. 4. You are dumb.

#149 is wrong, the precum contains a few sperm, but much more are released with ejaculation. Still, that's pretty ****** up, although it's what you get for having sex with a girl you hardly know. Get some standards for yourself.

Just so you people know, you can still get STD's and still get pregnant even if you use a condom. Actually most people either put on condoms wrong, or do stupid things like keep them in their wallet which they keep in their back pockets or other areas where it could be heated which increases the chances of it tearing or bursting.