By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


The_Man_fml 0

#5 Your only half right, yeh he's ******, but only for the next 18 years.

omg what a crazy b**** crushed up morning after pill in her smoothie ftw not using the pull out method for a while

This is definitely some girl he used to tease when he was younger and this is her revenge

alphalove 0

this makes my life. end of discussion. greatest fml i have ever seen and i feel like it's going to be incredibly hard to top it....just saying. fantastic. sucks to be you, but also, this is one of the greatest displays of Karma i have ever seen ever. go home with a strange drunk girl, you deserve to have her be a psycho. and i mean that in the kindest most loving way possible because again, this makes my life. thank you.

hahahaahahahahaha.. greatest thing ever. she's a psycho bitch.

That's what you get for hooking up with the OctoMom.

ROFLCOPTER OMG HAHAHAHAHHAAHHA i just spent about 5 straight minutes laughing at this fml. best one by far. solution: take a leaf out of ron burgundy's book and punch her in the ovaries.