By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


i cant believe how many comments there are on this

its weird yet freaky was she forign its called citizenship DOI!!!!!!!!!! SICKO

This is my favorite FML. "Be my baby's daddy!" Ah, never gets old. I love you. :)

Sein_Engel 0


There's a lot of going back and forth about the withdrawal method and whether it is effective, without any proof. There's also a lot of misinformation here I'd like to clear up. A link for your pleasure: The withdrawal method is effective provided it is done correctly and is quite often used in conjunction with the fertility awareness method (FAM) where the woman tracks her cycle to determine her "fertile days" where she is more likely to get pregnant (therefore avoiding having sex on those days, or using a back-up method.) Of course, this is not a barrier method of birth control therefore does not protect against STIs, and comes with the risk of not pulling out in time. Pre-ejaculate CAN contain sperm - but it's very unlikely. If it does, it is because the male has ejaculated shortly before having sex again, and sperm remains in the urethra. Assuming the male pees after ejaculating, there should be no sperm left in the urethra. Pre-ejaculate does not come from the testicles, which is where sperm is made, therefore cannot contain sperm. Sperm can survive in the ****** for a few days, so the idea that there are 1 or 2 days where a female can get pregnant is false. An egg may only survive for a day or two, but if you have sex 3 or 4 days before an egg is released, there could still be sperm present and pregnancy is possible. In summary: pre-ejaculate does not contain sperm, the pull-out method is effective but not perfect for everybody, and I really hope this guy got himself tested.

ok #970 you have way to much frikkin spare time if you can be bothered to post a 200 or so word comment on an illustrated fml that has almost 1000 other comments and none nearly as long i mean honestly who has time to do that?

I spent my free time time on an informative comment. You spent your free time reading my informative comment and then complaining about it. Perhaps you should not be judging me?

Guess you deserve whatever happens for bein a fool!!

UsingLogic 0

#970: Way to minimize the risks. Theory and practice are two different things you know? Sure, in perfect conditions pre-ejaculate does not contain sperm, but do you really meet ideal conditions all the time? How about the risk that semen remains in the male's urethra, because urinating does not flush it all out? Or what about the fact that there are chances drops of sperm (not pre-ejaculate) may leak out before ******, such as if the guy attempts to hold it in? That can happen. Pulling out works in the circumstances you describe, but those circumstances happen... 10% of the time? Bottomline is: Kids, if you're in a long-term relationship with someone and for some reason you don't care about diseases but worry about pregnancy, use birth control. If it's a long term relationship, it's safer. If you don't, in the long run you are sure to end up with unwanted pregnancy sooner or later. Without real birth control, the question is not "Will I get pregnant/get my girlfriend pregnant" but "WHEN will I get pregnant/get my girlfriend pregnant?". And if you are not in a long term relationship, better be safe and use condoms to avoid STDs and STIs. Need an excuse to tell your parents why you need birthcontrol but don't want to tell them you are having sex? You should be able to get birth control without your parents knowledge or consent but if you still need an excuse try the following arguments: 1) Better be safe than sorry, you never know what could go in your mind. 2) A lot of women get raped, so it's safer to get birth control, just in case (true argument). If your parents are opposed to birth control because of religious motives, tell them birth control pills prevent pregnancy but do not interrupt it.

Another good "excuse" (or real reason) for starting birth control pills is that it can regulate irregular period cycles

wowfmlife 0

#937, actually it is known that even after women stop using birth control, they can get pregnant and their body will abort the baby without them even knowing. so yeah, it does interrupt pregnancy

I agree, as I stated, it's not perfect. But studies show that people using no birth control have an 84% chance of becoming pregnant within a year, whereas people using the pull-out method have something like a 15% chance with TYPICAL (not perfect) use. It's incorrect to say that the withdrawal method only works 10% of the time, when it is an established form of birth control for a lot of people, although few people believe that because they are conditioned to believe it doesn't work. If you care enough to take a look at the link I provided, it's very informative. I never said the pull-out method was as effective as other BC methods, because it isn't. But it can be effective when done correctly.