By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


Why does she start out looking like a guy? It didn't say anything about that in the original FML.

franko_fml 0

killing her is an almost perfect solution

what everyone keeps forgetting is that the guy was drunk.. he prob wasnt thinking straight

MsMegaroo 0 u dont hav to bleep with *'s This site is FUCKmylife com so dont wrry bout lil kids readin this shit And if they r...then they probs know swears!!!

MsMegaroo 0

I dont relly get the illustration...if it was a guy, u wudnt hav to wrry bout the whole baby making process thing...

missshortstack 0

to #1004, i think he drew it like that cause she was ugly and she got prettier as she drank. was never a guy and woah dude, thats kinda ****** up. i laugehd hard when i read this.

when something like this happens, DO A BARREL ROLL!!!!!