By hiccups - 03/11/2012 15:52 - United States - New York

Today, I had my first orgasm. I also came to the realization that whenever I orgasm I get an uncontrollable case of hiccups for at least half an hour afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 068
You deserved it 3 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well atleast everytime you get hiccups he knows you weren't faking it and that he did a good job. ;)

nightowl713 25

Well being as how it was your first and only time so far, I wouldn't jump that far ahead and say that it will be that way every time op! Hiccups happen because you have a lack of oxygen in your body, I guess you just got a little too excited, and you might have been breathing too heavy.


moondogg74 1

You had your first ****** and you already know that WHENEVER you ******, you get hiccups? I think you should have more orgasms and see if the hiccups would appear every time - it could have been a coincidence :-)

A large spoonful of peanut butter helps with the hiccups. Call me crazy if you want, but it helps me when I get bad hiccups. Never fails me.

Obvious8 3

First ****** ever yet you've already decided that this is a recurring event?

It could have just been a one time thing after all it was your first.

Any scientist would tell you you can't be sure after one time...

Steve95401 49

Was it as good for you as it was for him?

99, there was not necessarily another person.

Maria_Obligacia 14

Honey, you can't say it happens EVERY time if it only happened ONCE :) You'll be fine.