By ThatHurts - 14/11/2011 00:11 - Canada

Today, I have two black eyes. The first one I got from the girl whose ass I mistakenly grabbed at a party last night. The other one I got from my girlfriend when I explained the first one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 299
You deserved it 34 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoredomCentral 8

Oh man. That sucks. Well, you managed to piss off two people in one night. Good job.


Vash_41288 10

Yea I agree this doesn't seem to be the case of him grabbing a random girls ass because he just felt like it. Maybe just maybe he confused the girl for his girlfriend( wearing similar clothes etc) and wanted to be playful then he realized his mistake but was far too late. So relax miss.

PYLrulz 17

That's where you make up some bullshit like you got into a fight... But you should see the other guy

threer 30

Don't joke about sexual harassment. He didn't deserve the punches and should press charges; if a man did the same, he would be shunned.

Randy84 10

And the fact that OP went and told his GF the truth about how he got the first black eye. OP's GF is a complete bitch for reacting that way when he was being honest with her.

If people read the fml correctly, there would be less ydi.

KaskStunter 4

You should work on your defense man.

**** your life, did your girlfriend leave you though,

jarredsj26 7

Damn dude. I'm sorry for you. You can't win for losing

Next time you mistakenly grab someone's ass, try floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee. Your defense sucks.