By ThatHurts - 14/11/2011 00:11 - Canada

Today, I have two black eyes. The first one I got from the girl whose ass I mistakenly grabbed at a party last night. The other one I got from my girlfriend when I explained the first one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 299
You deserved it 34 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoredomCentral 8

Oh man. That sucks. Well, you managed to piss off two people in one night. Good job.


maybe he thought it was his girlfriends ass?

mandypandypants 4

What do you tell a bitch with two black eyes? Nothing you already told him twice.

gene818 13

So now you look like a panda. FYL

Poetaster 10

Even a novice would have told the gf anything but the truth on this one. Your FML is not having a brain, the black eyes were a bonus.

A. The first girl is a complete bitch for thinking it is execeptable to punch someone in the face over a tiny ass-grabbing. B. Get a new girlfriend, or just hit it and quit it, because she seriously has some jealousy issues. Feminists don't want equality, they want superiority. That's why whenever they scream and bitch about wanting to be treated equal, they freak out when a guy punches them back. As a female, I have no gender double standards, and as a rational person, I know that sex is purely physically, and it has absolutely nothing to do with love, and that if your girlfriend is going to assult you over this, it's best to get out now. You should really teach her a god damn lesson, in equality, and in reality. The reality is, is that when you punch someone, you get punched back. Please, teach her to stop being such a c**t, grow some testicles, and hit her back.

jumble 12

Sex is not always purely physical. A lot of people only have sex if they actually love the person and want to be closer with them. There's no reason for OP to just hit it and quit it. He should leave because his girlfriend is abusive about something that shouldn't even result in violence. Unless it was a multiple offense in the same day, then someone should really stop that.

stacianichole 2

Get your panties out of a knot, hooters girl. It is NEEEEVER okay to haul off and punch someone in the face. Its simple assault. And to say a guy deserves more than a black eye for grabbing a girls butt - even if it wasn't by've got some anger issues. Maybe you can't handle guys drooling over you at your job. Apply at Appleby's?

for the love of god man what were you thinking?! you lie and say some drunk punched you or something!