By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 18:01 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to my parents. After she left, they told me they disapprove of her because of her supposedly lower social class. Now I have to either dump her or lose the money they set aside to pay for my university tuition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 665
You deserved it 3 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep her. Pay for your own college. Earn your big boy pants. [and get laid!]

RebekahBrooke 9


Finnick_fml 12

More likely your parents just don't like her because she's a girlfriend. Chances are if this is how they reacted to her, they'll have a problem with ALL your future girlfriends. Be a man and talk to them about it, don't make that ridiculous decision.

i agree. OP, even if this relationship isn't going to last, the control and the ultimatums from your parents will. Talk to them about it. Paying for college yourself isn't easy but its not impossible. Hopefully if you stand up to your parents they will realize that they can't control you in ways like this. Just be mature about it, don't go on and on about how much you love her (if you do). that isn't the point, the fact that they are giving you an ultimatum that could have such a huge effect on your future is.

What happened to Finnick was sad :( he was one of my favorites

muggle_born 6

I think going to university is more important. but that's just my opinion so

yes then you have $30,000 in loans debt and no job. going to university doesnt guarantee life success. life lessons have alot more to offer. lesson here dont learn from parents

#172 - That's why the parents have funds set aside for OP! It just depends: good job and then find new love, or bad job and keep your love. With university grades, you are almost guaranteed a good job there is no debate.

no debate you say? challange accepted. its great the parents have funds that doesnt mean op will get good grades and succeed. good grades dont guarantee life success. grades are an ACADEMIC system to set standards for pass or fail not to determine how successful life will be. life doesnt give grades. "almost guaranteed good job" u said it ALMOST. define good job? cause any job that pays money is a good to pay the bills. just cause you go to university will not guarantee good job. i wish i could name all the people that said "**** this shit im following my heart and gonna live with a passion" theres much more to life than good grades. you wouldnt be on your iProducts if jobs decided getting good grades would lead to success

alisidewinder 9

School is more important. While I think he needs to talk to his parents about it, ultimately school should win out if he had to choose. Scholarships don't require you to pay them back and neither do certain grants . I had a full ride based on scholarships, grants and my own money from working part time. So loans aren't an issue, just have to be smart enough to look for scholarships.

They'll cave. My parents tried to pull that shit with me. My mom hated my boyfriend and tried repeatedly to break us up. I stood up for myself, they paid for college and we've been happily married almost 18 years. As soon as they see you can do it without them, they'll back down.

Sounds to me like your parents are lower class.

tiffdepp 9

My parents disapproved of my boyfriend. They said he didn't make enough money. After I didn't break up with him they completely cut me off. Took my car, phone, credit cards. And I couldn't be happier. Idk how he does it, but he still manages to get me every thing I need. And even sometimes, just what I want.

Me too, same thing happened. So yeah choose love.

I had something similar happen to me. I got kicked out of my house 4 times because my mom didn't like that my bf wasn't of the same religion. Now I live 4 states away with him and we are getting married. Couldn't be happier!! :)

This happened with me and my baby, my mother didn't approve of him at all and she will always tell me to dump him..of course i didn't and im now living with him.

AbbeyLane 1

Your parents are completely control freak assholes

Just tell them you dumped her. You get the money and the girl. Problem solved

Trisha_aus 15

Lol sometimes you do sound like a normal human being Noor..then I read the last part of your comments and think nope, she can't be normal..she's indeed a ninja!