By pain - 01/11/2011 14:52 - United States

Today, I learned the hard way that you should never use medical tape to secure gauze over a razor cut on your scrotum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 175
You deserved it 39 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I have a hard time to decide whether your life sucks or if you deserve it. Ever heard of a simple band-aid?

You sir, have taken "Sticky Balls" to a whole new level.

Take your time, and use a non-electric razor. That might prevent future injusries to your coinpurse.

Mayjay122 7

I bet this fml makes guys scrotums burn or tense up just reading or thinking about this! Thats gotta hurt :S

pilotx 0

Dude everyone knows duct tape is what you use for ball wounds

polkadot3155 6

maybe try waxing next time.. hahahaha

drlove78843 6

Sometimes we do things in a hurry without thinking, like one time I sprayed cologne on my scrotum and it wasn't pleasant at all.