By pain - 01/11/2011 14:52 - United States

Today, I learned the hard way that you should never use medical tape to secure gauze over a razor cut on your scrotum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 177
You deserved it 39 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I will cry for you.. I'm female so o could only imagine your pain... Did give me the giggles though :)

next time just put a little bit of super glue on it when your shit heals it will just fall off it was designed for surgery on internal body parts it wont hurt you

The way this guy's life is going I bet he manages to glue his foreskin to his scrotum, then turns himself inside out when he gets an erection.

Wax it next time. That doesn't hurt at all. Trust us girls. We wax all of the time. It's fun. ;)

Waxing the pubes doesn't hurt *much* - ok. It's fun? errm....

Trim dude, geez, taking a razor anywhere near that, the hell? Don't forget how itchy you'll be for the next few days too.

a13xpotter 0

Why the **** is there a razor cut on your scrotum?

justanotherbird 19

Are you serious? Maybe because no one wants a hairy bush, male or female.

#135 That's actually untrue. There are some people who prefer their partners to not shave or wax their pubic hair.

They make electric trimmers for this...doesn't get quite as close as a razor blade, but close enough, and a lot safer.

Ha ha! But seriously man. How the hell did you think was going to happen. I know the trauma of cutting ones own testicles can throw any man off his game, unless you are into that sort of thing... I have heard about a certain fetish that compulsively makes one to remove his testicles. But you don't sound like that kind of guy. But I digress. You could have chosen something else. Selotape.. hell even blue tack would have done a better job.. WTF did you think was going to happen?!?¿ YDI YDI YDI!!! But at least you didn't use superglue. ;-)