By blueglover - 27/03/2012 07:40 - United States - Perris

Today, I made a new friend. He seemed pretty cool, until we came to the topic of religion and the ancient alien theory. I'm seemingly now friends with a guy who thinks alien Jesus raped an Earth woman, and we're the resulting cross-breed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 962
You deserved it 3 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty sure the comments are going to be stopped pretty soon. If not, all hail a religion war.

22cute 17

Actually, that theory makes MORE sense from a biological standpoint than virgin birth.


Seems pretty much as good a basis for a religion as any.

"but can you prove that aliens weren't here for the first thanksgiving?!"

This is why the topic of religion should be avoided; if the two people involved aren't mature enough and don't think logically enough, then it'll end in an argument. In this case your new friend is just nuts...but hey, at least you didn't argue.

not crazier than any other religious person

Once he considers planning as a form of prayer, run like hell.

MissHayleyJames 7

Damn. That must've been in one of the many Gospels the council voted out way back when. Guess they forgot to burn that one too and your new friend found it in a cave somewhere!

I believe this. My Psychic powers is enough evidence to prove it.

Ancient alien theory has just as much history behind it as religion what you fail to recognize is that even if we are hybrids with alien life forms who created them, and if they evolved much like science predicts then who created the process. I believe in a higher power but much like atheists cannot disprove god I cannot prove him.

What's crazier, believing the alien Jesus theory or believing that human beings "evolved" from monkeys? Monkeys!!! I mean, they're just monkeys! How the hell could we have "evolved" from silly little monkeys?!

45 - you do realize nobody thinks we came from monkeys, right? Theory of evolution states we had a common ancestor, with different end results.

MissHayleyJames 7

I think the Big Bang Theory beats them all.

ENLT - thanks for the science lesson. It's a shame I never learned any of that stuff in any of my pre-med anatomy, biology, or biochemistry classes.

Haha_oh_wait 4

Man in sky or monkeys.... Hmmmm Give me monkeys.