By Anonymous - 07/03/2010 00:32 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's mom for the first time. She pulls out a freezer bag full of condoms and says "I have some cooler ones upstairs, if you want his penis to glow in the dark." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 895
You deserved it 4 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thongs4lyfe 0

omfg!!!!! I've used glow in the dark condoms before!!!!! sooooo much fun to watch go in and out! and to play wit, it's like a lite saber!!!!!!


fucktherainbow 0
Popsiclese 0

i wish my mom was that cool

emilybabes 0

dude thatsnot even a legit FML. stfu, have a sense of humor

and how may I ask is this an FML?!? -:willyoubemine:-

:) When you wanna get preggo just get your boyfriend to tattoo his little friend with UV ink. Then have sex with a black light on! :D

Gawrsh_youRhymed 0

This, is not an FML. If my boyfriend had a glowing condom....that'd be awesome

she is encouraging you to have sex. not a bad thing

That means she is a cool mom with an open mind. I mean, I personally am against premarital sex, but you know a mom that will act like that will be cool to you.