By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


Guys it's not like she had a choice maybe she just couldn't afford to have the baby and just wanted what was right for him.

"...and THAT'S why I put you up for adoption!"

Strafeh 9

For knowing how TO punch in general? Or how well he can punch?

I think the Doc means his attitude or something along those lines.

Strafeh 9

His attitude as in Doc himself, or OP's child?

JayJayAttackAtta 5

28, simple terms. OP: "you just met me and punched me in the face! And that's why I put you up for adoption."

Strafeh 9

Aaa. Thank you. Shame I couldn't figure that out from the start. I thought the child was telling about how one throughs punches. And was some hardcore UFC fan.

GoW_Chick 14

People are taking the fun out of jokes on FML, and taking them to seriously lately. Thumb me down I don't care, it's the truth.

fthku 13

You people murdered the joke. A funny, very easy to understand joke.

72- not gonna lie, i'll thumb you down for using innappropriate grammar; TOO not TO.

RebekahBrooke 9

Since you HAD to, I don't blame you, but you couldnt expect much...

audiophileMom 11

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#190 yea because OP wanted to take care of a child when he didn't h e enough money or he wasn't stable or something like that. Seriously if I didn't have the kind of money to support my baby I would have for with adoption. I would have done open adoption so I could actually know him thought the years of him growing up though. And for living in foster care.. You get to select the parents while the women is pregnant if you go through a private group. Lay off of OP. you don't know his story and yes the father has VERY little say in everything before the baby gets here

RebekahBrooke 9

Actually, I think its much nicer to give a baby up for adoption if the parents can't support themselves. I would never keep a child if I were a teenager -- why would we end our lives before we begin, and punish the kid to a lifetime of poverty? It was a good choice to put the child up for adoption, and personally, the fact he wanted to go back at all, proved he HAD to, because if he just didn't want it, he would have forgotten about it.

190 - Saying that giving up the baby for adoption is solely the mother's choice is bullshit. If a father wants to adopt his child, he's going to get priority over a stranger.

At 190, your an idiot. I was adopted. My birth dad burnt his hand and was out of work right before I was born. They already had two kids and birth mom was a stay at home mom. My life was probably better because I was adopted. By the way I'm 27.

You can't expect him to accept you. It's his choice. You put him up for adoption, you can't blame him for not wanting a relationship

bitchslapped22 14

Hmm, maybe one day he'll want to get to know you. At least you want to get to know him

YDI, what did you expect??? Obviously when someone is put up for adoption, the truth can't be kept from them forever, when they do find out, of course they're going to have some strong feelings. Occasionally, some feelings are stronger. And in this case his first feelings were expressed physically. Hopefully things with you two get better.

uprising_fml 0

OP doesn't necessarily deserve it. What if he and his SO were too young to handle the responsibility of raising a child? What if they were to poor to finance the extreme expenses that come from raising a child? What if they were experiencing all of the above problems, BUT with the extra stress of an unsupportive or even unforgiving family? With that all being said, OP could deserve it by having been a 'not present' father who was in denial and ran from the situation, ignoring the child's existence. Thus, provoking the son's punch to OP's face. there is numerous information and variables we are not aware of in this situation, and I personally think it is the former rather than the latter. either way, I don't think a face punch was necessary.

Agreeable. But here comes the part where we have to ask ourselves, was the pregnancy intended? We don't know that. But if it was, wouldn't it be prepared for? In many situations a babies birth is to be prepared for and intended, thus not having to put it up for adaption. The other situation? No protection, protection broke etc. unfortunately we don't know these answers so all we can do is ponder on the most reasonable scenario. Although the punch to the face does indicate quite a bit; he could've been to much to handle maybe having anger issues? Or he could've just had strong physical feeling toward his father for his choice in adoption? A punch ti the face was unnecessary none the less. Please tell me if I have not answered up to standards :3

uprising_fml 0

sounds reasonable enough to me! a lot of fml commenters disregard the fact that there are two sides to every story, so I appreciate another commenter considering that.

BrownSugar_fml 5

Sorry to hear that. I'm sure it was a hard choice but hopefully he'll realize that you want to know him and he comes around. Good luck OP!