By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


kateheartswaffle 0

It's horrible for both of them. Having to give up a child is unimaginay difficult and heartbreaking I'd imagine. Possibly the child (now adult) went through some abuse at bad foster homes or orphanages and is hurt now? I mean.. It's more like F(BOTH)YL

desireev 17

I completely agree with your comment. So don't think I'm harping you in any way. But America doesn't have orphanages. Also, when a child is adopted, they wouldn't go through foster homes or orphanages. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

How do you know that the child wasn't in some sort of foster care before he was adopted?

K_kanaka 26

Gee OP I'm sorry that happened. Give your son some time for this, it must of been such a shock for him to meet you. There were probably a lot of bottled up emotions inside him about being adopted and he just didn't know how to handle meeting you at the time. If anything try to take time with him don't rush it.

Ergayles 9

Honestly, this is another fml where I ask how op deserves this. Read the fml he put his son up for adoption, which is probably best for the son. He didn't do like some dads and just flat out run away and leave the mother to raise him herself, in that case he would deserve that punch. I think it's good that op if trying to make amends with him. I wish you the best of luck op.

Ydi for having a god damn baby and not being ready to take care of it. Nobody should feel sorry for you.

K_kanaka 26

I bet both OP and his son would punch you for saying that. Don't assume OP deserves it or if he doesn't deserve it. If we don't fully know why OP's son was adopted then we shouldn't be the ones to criticize.

desireev 17

^^^ completely agree with you 101. The only person that OP owes an explanation to is his son. And the only person who can rightfully decide whether or not OP deserved it is his son.

JadeWalker 14

Exactly, sex is a choice and if your ready to have sex, your ready to handle the consequences of sex.

lreiss 0

Me being an adopted child can see why maybe he was so mad but if you gave him up for adoption I would assume it was because you couldn't do it yourself? No need for him to punch you.

im adopted and ik if i met my real parents i would possibly b very skeptical about eerything -i wont punch them tho least its physical hurt cuz tht will go away he could have said so many nasty things tht would hurt and last longer mentally goodluck!

God knows that you ******* deserved it....NOW you can make amends

I don't see how they deserved it. We don't know why they gave their child up. At least they took the time and effort to locate their child. Sorry the child had bitter feelings for you, we honestly can't blame them but you don't deserve it :-/

meetmewithmusic 0

What does that have to do with anything? least you hadn't named him 'Sue' (Apologies to Johnny Cash)

Although in fairness, JC just performed it (well). Shel Silverstein wrote the lyrics.

perdix 29

Boo-yah! You beat me to it! Good on ya!