By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


I have mixed feelings on this. on the one hand, I get that he was likely adopted out because op did not have the means to care for him. on the other hand, if you give a child up for adoption, you sign away parental rights, in essence you are no longer a parent period. biologically, yes, but that child is only seeing you as a sperm donor. you weren't there for the hard parts of raising a child, why show up when they're all grown up?

Because some adopted families refuse visitation of the biological parent.

desireev 17

^^^ that's true. But also, when you give up and sign away your rights and you are no longer the parent, you are not permitted to 'be the parent'.. Maybe OP knew that his son was about to be of age to where he could finally meet him. And maybe it took till his son was 20 years old to find him so he could meet his son for the first time. It obviously bothered OP so bad that he was the one seeking out his child. You always hear of the child seeking out the parents. Not the parents seeking out the child. So kudos to OP for being the best parent he could be! He sought his son out till he found him. It may take a while, OP, but let's all hope your son comes around. You both deserve a relationship with eachother. :)

That's horrible! He should of at least heard you out as to why you put him up for adoption before just punching you. Good for you for trying to make amends. Sorry it turned out like that.

only GOD can judge you,the rest need to STFU

DesiBoyz 14

Hopefully there is no mor pent up frustration and he wil talk to you soon ... Hopefully.

You can't expect him to just automatically forgive you for abandoning him... He has a right to do whatever the hell he wants to

This FML needs more background story. I'd probably do the same if I saw my dad!

I could understand if you abandoned him and his mother so she had to raise him alone but your biological son sounds like an aggressive asshole.

wriptidez 0

After two decades it's very understandable

I dont blame you because you probabably had your reasons for giving him up and wishing him a better life that you could give him. But he still has mixed feelings about you; but it still was unnecesary to punch, maybe show disdain, but no punch