By me - 14/01/2012 01:38 - United States

Today, I met my son for the first time since I had to put him up for adoption over two decades ago. I wanted to make amends and get to know him. Instead, all I got to know was how well he can throw a punch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 208
You deserved it 57 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're right, he should've left him in a dumpster.


If you are serious about getting to know him, you get past this first encounter and start showing persistent interest. Might tske years for him to let you into his life, but perhaps not 20.

cwood21 0

Im adopted also. I will be 21 in a month. Y did u give him up 4 adoption?

He wasn't trying to hit you, he was giving you a your face...

Maybe you had a legit reason like not being able to provide, but you could've still sent a note or something for when he was older.

Was this a planned meeting or did you stalk him and find him that way? I really can't judge the situation without knowing that information.

Some adoptive parents don't allow the biological parents any contact with the child, so it could be possible that OP doesn't deserve it.

huey211 1

paybacks a bitch ain't it :D naww but seriously tho u cnt jus be all like "aww sup son I put u up for adoption" n expect him to be happy...not being mean just blunt about it

structuredchaoz 4

You can't understand the feeling of a child whos been abandoned by his parents until you've been therem no matter how shitty things might have been. Growing up without your parents is agony. You. Deserved. It.