By xharmonyx - 24/04/2012 08:29 - United States

Today, I paid for someone else's piss so that I could pass my drug test. I didn't pass the drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 760
You deserved it 71 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panny10112326 1

Why even bother putting FML if you totally deserved it?? Drugs= baaaaad shit.

Yeah... Paying the same friend you rip a bong with to pass a drug test for you isn't a good idea. Must've been high when you agreed to that.


Mkbitch 2

You totally deserve it Genius!

cuddlebunny3548 11

I bet they took that money and bought more weed lol

I can't tell if there's more irony in the "your an idiot" or in the fact that you ended this comment with the word "period", yet you omitted the actual period.

fatcow282 8

This is carma in and enteteining way

You deserve it, not for doing drugs (because whatever, it's your life), but because you were stupid enough to pay for someone's urine when you didn't know 100% they were clean. Also, it's not that hard to beat a piss test.