By xharmonyx - 24/04/2012 08:29 - United States

Today, I paid for someone else's piss so that I could pass my drug test. I didn't pass the drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 760
You deserved it 71 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panny10112326 1

Why even bother putting FML if you totally deserved it?? Drugs= baaaaad shit.

Yeah... Paying the same friend you rip a bong with to pass a drug test for you isn't a good idea. Must've been high when you agreed to that.

Comments're stupidly irresponsible AND gullible! Good combo, I'd LOVE to hire you!

KiddNYC1O 20

Haha, you deserve it for two reasons. 1. You should never **** with drugs when there's a possibility of a drug test in the near future. Such as sports seasons or a work issued test. And 2. Never buy piss from someone you don't fully trust. That one seems pretty obvious.

How the hell did u manage to get it in? The drug test rules here are really strict.

You are honestly dumber than a box of rocks! YDI!!!!

EmaK13 2

I'm sorry, but this was all you. Some people make their own bad luck. You're one of them.

All u mf's stupid when I bet mostly all of u drink but so many ppl are looking down on this "drug" when liquor ***** u up so much more how about u all stop drinking and he will stop using "drugs" in my opinion unless u are ******* virgin Mary u have no rite to judge the next mf

All I read here was "Blah blah I love weed blah blah blah alcohol is worse blah blah blah self-rightous blah blah ******* blah." Go away.

MY EYES! The anti-bad grammar googles, they do nothing.