By xharmonyx - 24/04/2012 08:29 - United States

Today, I paid for someone else's piss so that I could pass my drug test. I didn't pass the drug test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 760
You deserved it 71 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panny10112326 1

Why even bother putting FML if you totally deserved it?? Drugs= baaaaad shit.

Yeah... Paying the same friend you rip a bong with to pass a drug test for you isn't a good idea. Must've been high when you agreed to that.


wild_n_out 8

Well, that's what you get :P

iTroller 0

Drugs don't make you cool, asshole.

you don't do drugs to be cool u do drugs for the same reason u drink coffee... the feeling... and yes coffee is considered a drug

kileypalmer 0

OP this isn't an FML. your just not smart is all.

Ydi never do drugs when unemployed. But in general drugs are bad mkay?

flyinghigh420 2

Synthetic're obviously not to smart

I'm 19. It's a hell of a lot easier for me to get weed than it is for me to get alcohol. I have to know someone who's 21 to get alcohol, while for weed no one cares how old you are. What kind of message are we sending to kids?

ArcanaDL 3

Yeah ikr the side effects are only like depression and hallucinations. Stuff like that.